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Monday 7 November 2016

5 pounds of fats !

Dad went to see my doc last week. Doc has some bad news for him. It appears that a lifetime of laksa, bak kut teh, bak kua, & referring to carrying beer from the super mart to home as "a workout" has pushed his blood pressure to the breaking point. Doc advise him to lose weight & even show him what 5 pounds of fat looks like! Dad then offered to bring in a deep fryer & show him how to use the fats to fry chicken wings!

Doc, mum & me didn't think seem to think it's as funny as dad did! But doc told him, if he's unwilling to lose weight, he might be able to lower his blood pressure through meditation. Well dad said he's willing to try anything other than changing his diet, or exercising , and he'll do any activity that can be performed while sitting motionless

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The day when Love dies !!!! The End to Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's marriage ...sob...

It's no secret I'm a Big fan of Brad Pitt ,just look at my icon.

Therefore I'm shocked & sadden by today's news of my darling Brad Pitt splitting with Angelina Jolie. They were the perfect Hollywood couple, love them together. Friends from my group chat all claimed that they are not surprise, as Angelina Jolie is a loose canon. Then there's the recent incident where Brad Pitt was caught flirting with some biker babes during an event. Well all good things must come to an end. Today I'll mourn the death of their relationship, will treat myself to a good gourmet meal. The rational? when I'm sad, I eat ...sob....

A beautiful picture of their happier times.

Friday 8 July 2016

I had a dream last night

The car I was driving was going sideways. Instinctively I slammed on the brakes, the car swerved monstrously , reared up on its  front & back left -hand wheels, wobbled for a split second & fell over. The impact went straight through me, reducing my bones to jelly & my brains to milkshake, or at least that was how it felt.

The engine died & there was a moment of almost perfect silence. The only audible sound being the drip-drip of a ruptured fuel line. NOT GOOD; I've seen enough action movies to know that drip-drip is generally the overture to BOOM. Unfortunately, I was wedged in the wreckage & couldn't get out. Trapped , hopeless ... then I woke up. I've not felt so relief before.

Came to office & told my colleagues about it. Mr Lim the department's "oracle" immediately ask for my car's no. Everyone chipped in for the weekend's lottery....LOL...  Hope something good comes out of this. The dream was terrifying!!!!
then, some one ask if I have insurance .... oh boy !

Monday 30 May 2016

What if the "Love-of your-life" is very much attached to another?

Saturday Dinah a close friend insisted that I go meet the "love of her life". She wanted my opinion on him. OK .... alarm bells should start ringing at this request. Anyway I was curious so I obliged, plus she has always been there for me. Last month when I forgot my wallet & documents, she's the one who took a cab all the way across town to rescue me: when it rains, we share her umbrella, so..... I owe it to her.

We met at this place we frequent for drinks. The Love-of-her-life came, 'I should have guess', it turns out I do know him... like for a long long time! No wonder she insisted I see him. But why can't she just tell me , who she has been dating for the last week? YES they have only been dating ONE week.

As it turn out there's one tiny hiccup: Love-of-her-life aka Tyler has a girlfriend. It's one of those relationships with a duration that qualifies for common-law marriage. I'm quite sure they owned a joint account together, probably pets too. I've seen them eating the same ice-cream cone back when we were in the university. And I saw her in his car just last week zooming pass my place. Ya, not only were we school mates, he's almost considered my neighbor. He lived like a stone throw away from me. I know most of his siblings as well!

The odd thing was, he started grinning at me as if nothing was wrong. As I was about to ask him, point blank how's his other girl friend, his cell rang & he excused himself to answer the call ,(whose most probably from his other girl )I got hold of Dinah & told her about the 'truth'. She looked at me in the eye & said she knew.
WHAT ??? !!!
Tyler had told her he's trying to break it off with 'that girl' . Since he met Dinah (ONE WEEK ago, he knew she's the ONE ) Oh..ya...sure....
What can I say, I can't smash her head with a bottle or a bat, to wake her up, can I???
I sure wanted to ....

Thursday 12 May 2016

Vera from America vs Me & Mum

My mother's half sister " Vera" had migrated to America long ago. She comes back once a while to visit. Usually during such visits she'll remind mum, what a horrible place we are still living in, & how she had the good fortune to escape this hell-hole. Strange isn't it, considering mum don't have to lift her finger at any house work as we have domestic help (Aunt Vera has to do everything herself ), our schools are super safe (no one goes around shooting students), our streets are safe, there's hardly any drugs or street gangs on the streets ... well I've not seen any in my 20 odd years here! Anyway.....

Aunty Vera has 4 main stories she likes to tell :
1. the highlights of her modelling career in Singapore long ago (who said what, who touched her where),
2. her disastrous marriage to her first husband ,( a self-proclaimed millionaire from America),
3. her disastrous marriage to her second husband (another self-proclaimed millionaire from America)
3. her frequent trips round the world ( she claims :Italy is overrun with gypsies, Paris is a rip-off, Switzerland is a bore )
4. & the times she bump into celebrities in the first class during her trips to exotic places.

Tonight she'll be coming to our place for dinner. My mum insisted I come home to meet her. Maybe she can't stand being alone with Aunty Vera, who can?. My dad had mysteriously come up with a sudden excuse- an important 'meeting' with some friends  All my siblings were suddenly very busy as well tonight Well I've to sacrifice myself yet again!

Paris is always a JOY & never a rip-off, to me at least

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Cooking certain foods will make you lose weight, It's true !

We love French fries don't we? We eat it with our hamburgers, our meals, or as a snack. And you should know better, that if you do that often enough, you'll get fat, your veins & arteries would be block & you could die! Same goes with all other junk food.

Probably the biggest issue: is that these foods are readily available everywhere & is relatively cheap! But what if it's not??? By the way do you know how difficult it is to make these French Fries?

First you need to buy the potatoes, wash them, peel them, cut them into the right size, dry them, fry them, drain away the oil, clean up the oily utensils, clean up the kitchen. Imagine going through all that for a snack. I bet if you have to make them yourself you’d pass. Or maybe you might have them about once a month or most probably only once a year. The fact that labor has been removed from food like French fries has made us treat it as an everyday food.

Solution? "Eat all the junk food you want, just try cooking it yourself.”
If that's even possible...  before you lose interest or your mind, which ever comes first:)
I hereby, challenge you to make your own French Fries !

Saturday 23 April 2016

BTL Vanquish treatment, best for fat removal & body shaping

A couple of months back a friend came back from Hawaii & bought a beautiful new bikini for me. When I was trying it on , it dawned on me, my body contour is not as optima as it should be. It seriously could have been better. I can't be wearing this bikini with a small tummy right?

I went to Dr Keith Ong & ask him what can be done. My weight is great, I've never felt better, but I need a FLAT tummy. Dr Keith told me about the BTL Vanquish. In the brochure it says BTL Vanquish is the most advanced contactless technology (RF technology) for body shaping, fat removal & volume reduction. Cheap, no pain, no down time. Sounds about perfect to me. 
The procedure is about 45 mins.

BTL Vanquish : That's how it looks, pretty cool huh ?
 How I feel:
I feel hot at the area targeted. There's no tenderness, no bruising or marks emerged after the treatment, very please with that.  However I could feel some lumpiness under the skin, must be the fats coming apart ...haha.. It's just a feeling, you can't see it visually. I was told to drink lots of water. I also started massaging the lumpiness when I'm free & that seems to help.


It's effective , no more tummy!!! Vanquish proved to be a credible & harmless solution to my tummy problem.

Vanquish treatment: Before & After

The cost :
If your problem is larger, they recommend 6 times package costing $1500-
For me, small problem, I only did 3 sessions , each session cost only $300-

 I cannot believe it could be so easy to shape the body now. Well if there's an area in your body that exercise & diet have failed, I totally recommend this BTL Vanquish treatment! It's cheap & effective:)

My doctor's contact:

Dr Keith Ong : 
Parsons Medical Clinic
International Building, 360 Orchard Rd, #04-10
Singapore 238869
Tel : 8777-0736, 9746-7720
Open from:
Monday & Friday : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday & Wed, : 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sun & PH close.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Laugh & Grow Thin :))

You cannot go wrong with this show!
You can still lose weight even if you are lazy not kidding! Hmmmmm.... dont believe me?

Well, first you seriously need to have a good sense of humor.
According to experts, 15 minutes of laughing out loud burns about 50 calories. In other words, you can tune in to a good comedy ,laze on your couch & start laughing. It would be like a training session. Better than going out in the hot sun:)

Each belly laugh tenses up to 75% of your core muscles & raises your heart rate as high as 10 minutes on a rower.

I'll recommend shows like Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, 30 Rock or The Office.

Thursday 7 January 2016

GarbaSlim The Fat Burner, to burn up all the excess fats :))

Early this morning I received an "URGENT " text from my boss , reminding me to "Not- leave home-without- IT"  !!!! For a moment I was thinking.....huh.... what's that? ....oh... but of course......What do you think "IT " is?  American Express ???.... lol.... in our case it'll be OUR life saver " GarbaSlim, my new fave fat burner"! Can you imagine??? Sort of hilarious ,but who could blame her. It's pretty effective for dire times like this!
garbaslim for weight loss

Since Christmas eve, the whole group of us have been attending parties and celebrations-  Non-Stop. We didn't drink as much (thank god) , but boy..... did we EAT !!! Come on, we are "allow" to indulge once a year right? Anyway.... now we are like Super Guilty &  Must get rid of these fats asap!

Quick check in my medicine pouch - my fat burner stock is on the "LOW" !!!!! Apparently I have not stock up on GarbaSlim for everyone. Plus, my sister might have used up quite a bit as well....
Now I've to run down to doctor's clinic later to get some GarbaSlim....... this needs immediate action ! Any office meeting can wait
Garbaslim reduce weight, waist size & hips !!!