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Monday 30 May 2016

What if the "Love-of your-life" is very much attached to another?

Saturday Dinah a close friend insisted that I go meet the "love of her life". She wanted my opinion on him. OK .... alarm bells should start ringing at this request. Anyway I was curious so I obliged, plus she has always been there for me. Last month when I forgot my wallet & documents, she's the one who took a cab all the way across town to rescue me: when it rains, we share her umbrella, so..... I owe it to her.

We met at this place we frequent for drinks. The Love-of-her-life came, 'I should have guess', it turns out I do know him... like for a long long time! No wonder she insisted I see him. But why can't she just tell me , who she has been dating for the last week? YES they have only been dating ONE week.

As it turn out there's one tiny hiccup: Love-of-her-life aka Tyler has a girlfriend. It's one of those relationships with a duration that qualifies for common-law marriage. I'm quite sure they owned a joint account together, probably pets too. I've seen them eating the same ice-cream cone back when we were in the university. And I saw her in his car just last week zooming pass my place. Ya, not only were we school mates, he's almost considered my neighbor. He lived like a stone throw away from me. I know most of his siblings as well!

The odd thing was, he started grinning at me as if nothing was wrong. As I was about to ask him, point blank how's his other girl friend, his cell rang & he excused himself to answer the call ,(whose most probably from his other girl )I got hold of Dinah & told her about the 'truth'. She looked at me in the eye & said she knew.
WHAT ??? !!!
Tyler had told her he's trying to break it off with 'that girl' . Since he met Dinah (ONE WEEK ago, he knew she's the ONE ) Oh..ya...sure....
What can I say, I can't smash her head with a bottle or a bat, to wake her up, can I???
I sure wanted to ....


  1. Guys whole life like this!
    Two-timing very common these days!
    ladies be careful!

  2. Better don't meddle in such affairs. Your friend might blame you in the future. People in love is blind.

    Almost the same thing happen to me, my ex, left his girlfriend for me. Unfortunately no happy ending for me either. As a few years later he left me for another girl. I've gotten over it now, but it shouldn't have happen. All the signs were there, but I just refuse to see it as I was 'in love'.
