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Monday 17 December 2012

More fun ways to lose Fats!!!!

8.Share a trainer

Once a week, make a training date with a pal and a kick-butt trainer.  It’s a great way to save money and spend time together.
9.Establish a lifeline

Do you have a BFF who’s good at doling out tough love? Ask her to be your lifeline. That way, when a craving strikes you can call or text her before you binge and she can remind you of the goals you’ve set and the commitment you’ve made to living healthier.

10. Celebrate your success
Set mutual benchmarks along your weight loss journey and treat yourselves to fun (non-edible) rewards, such as manicures and pedicures, when you reach them.

11. Spread the news
In many cases, just telling your best friends that you are starting a weight loss program helps keep you accountable and can motivate you to stick to your plan

12. Dance the fats away
Just go clubbing once a week  with a group of gal pals  & dance the night away! Remember to ditch your heels this time. All of you can literally twist your way to a tighter tummy while building  stronger bond.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Fun ways to lose Fats

1. Search for an online weight-loss buddy.
A study found that online weight-loss buddies help you keep the weight off. The researchers followed volunteers for 18 months. Those assigned to an Internet-based weight maintenance program sustained their weight loss better than those who met face-to-face in a support group. Ok tis study is done in the states, not sure how it'll relate to our local "culture"... well no harm trying right?

2. Walk for 45 minutes a day.
A Duke University study found that while 30 minutes of daily walking is enough to prevent weight gain in most relatively sedentary people, exercise beyond 30 minutes results in weight and fat loss. Burning an additional 300 calories a day with three miles of brisk walking (45 minutes should do it) could help you lose 30 pounds in a year without even changing how much you’re eating. That's not bad right?

3. You need more blue in your life!!!
How often do you see fast-food restaurants decorated in blue? Hmmm... probably NONE!!!!! : Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth.

Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating. Think MacDonalds & KFC !!!!!

4. Use smaller dinner plates.
Studies find that the less food put in front of you, the less food you’ll eat. Conversely, the more food in front of you, the more you’ll eat — regardless of how hungry you are.
The same goes for liquids. Use smaller glasses!!!!

5. Mirror at the Dining area.
One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Seems having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.

6. Wash, scrub anything once a week
A floor, a couple of windows, the kitchen , or your car. A 80kg person who does that will burn about four calories for every minute spent cleaning. Scrub for 30 minutes and you could work off approximately 120 calories. And your environment will sparkle.!!!!

7. Brush after every meal.
That clean, minty freshness will serve as a cue to your body and brain that mealtime is over


Thursday 13 December 2012

Time to take fat burner after a heavy meal ?

Image result for baked pasta images 

Had this baked pasta today! Feel guilty like hell. But it tasted so good, Guess it's time to take some fat burner hahha....

Thursday 15 November 2012

My weakness

It's definitely Italian food! Thank Goodness a good meal is so damn expensive- that truly save me...hahha.... Plus I'm a very lousy cook- that works in my favour!!!

Anti pasta- love it!!!!
Spaghetti- love it
Risotto- love it
Anything creamy- love it!!!

Christmas dinner I've been invited to an Italian restuarant by this very nice guy! Sigh.... I guess I'll give myself a break ...hahhah..... pray for me!!!!

Saturday 10 November 2012

I'm down 1 size!!!!

Went shopping for clothes.... guess what.... I'm down one size!!!

Must celebrate!!!!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Adding Muscle can help with weight loss ???

I heard one of the best ways to stop gaining weight is to power up your metabolism by increasing muscle mass. Experts recommend strength training a few times week to both retain and build muscle.

Muscle is metabolically active, and to minimize naturally occurring muscle loss, you need to be physically active every day, including resistance training two to three times a week. By being active, you can enjoy more calories without gaining weight -- if you choose your calories wisely.
And change up your fitness routine every six to eight weeks to keep your body from getting too accustomed to your workout.

It has to be challenging; otherwise, it won’t work. So lovely ladies, you can try it !!!!

Friday 5 October 2012

Can I get fat just by smelling, say...cookies?????

You know how good cookies smell right? Remember the movie "Michael" in which John Travolta played Michael the arch angel (an old ... he smell like cookies in the movie... Well that's what it is. Cookies is practically heavenly!!! But also very fattening, the question is,  if we smell it, do we get fat even if we dont put it in our mouths?

The experts say NO! thank goodness!!! It's like these cookies or whatever smells good or bad is just giving off smell molecules- that drift into our nose.... we register the 'smell' be it good or bad. You just breathe in & breathe out these molecules- so you dont actually ingest invisible particles of cookies

Friday 14 September 2012

Vitamin C & dieting... the connection?

Take lots of food with Vitamin C!!!!

A study show that Vitamin c can juice up your sluggish metabloism by almost 100 calories per day! Foods include oranges, tomatoes & green peppers.

Sunday 29 July 2012

These workplace habits could sabotage your weight loss

1. First on the list is naturally Office Canteens or almost any food stalls

 - food sold in these places are usually high calorie & high fat food. We can counteract by ordering more soupy stuff. Ladies often eat fruits that could back fire on your diet as fruits are sweet & could increase your appetite, thus increase the chances of snacking later on.

2. Office Snacks

-I don't know why but in most office, there's always someone who will have a stash of snacks around to tempt you. People coming back from a trips will bring back goodies from where ever they had visited : local snacks, chocolate, all kinds of chips all loaded with saturated fats & simple carbs waiting anxiously to add to your weight gain!!!
-We can replace these unhealthy snacks with healthier ones like unsalted nuts, seeds, figs & raisins. Or better yet, don't eat any of them!

3. The Business Lunch

-Paid by the company, & often in nice places so there is a GREAT tendency to over-eat.
- Those hotel buffet lunches or dinners, are the biggest culprits for seducing us to over eat! Too many choices displayed too beautifully, anyone would be tempted!
-try Japanese restaurants. Everything is served in smaller portions, this is probably one of the best kept secrets for staying fit & slim! Avoid the deep fried Tonkatsu though.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Duromine Works !!!

How does slimming pills like Duromine works?

It works by suppressing the hunger feeling. Once you consume  less, your body has to acquire the energy from somewhere else. As a  result Duromine helps to burn  fats turning it into energy.
Duromine for weight loss
As it's a prescription slimming drug (meaning it's stronger & more effective than those sold over the counter) , you need to get it from a doctor. I got mine from :

Dr Keith Ong
Parsons Medical Clinic
@ Yishun ave 2, Blk 779, #01-1541.
Singapore 760779
 Tel; 64846010, 8777-0736, 9746-7720
Tuesday, Wednesday: 9am to 12pm
Thursday : 3pm to 8pm

Parsons Medical Clinic
@ 360 Orchard Rd, International Building
# 04-10, Singapore 238869
Tel;  8777-0736,
Open from:
Monday & Friday  : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday & Wed : 3pm to 8pm

Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sun & PH close.

It’s not magic , it still works best & fastest if you could combined it with physical exercises and a healthy diet.

Friday 13 July 2012

Does lemon juice dissolve fats?

I love those restaurants  where they serve you ice water with a slice of lemon. It taste so good & refreshing. My friend told me the acid from lemons can actually dissolve FATS!!!!

As it turn out she's wrong ...again... haha..
It wont dissolve fats in oily fatty food, but it's likely it might dissolve our TEETH!!!

It's impossible to dissolve fats from our food other than physically removing it by ourselves or taking certain fat burners that'll prevent absorption of fats in our intestines.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Do we need to detox?

I think the word "detox" is an extrememly successful marketing gimmick that has somehow influenced or even brainwashed smart reasonable people into spending lots & lots of money for all kinds of detox products & programs.

Truth is our body is equip with expectionally efficient organs  (liver & kidney) that will remove unwanted & harmful substances from the body. If our bodies stored toxins as much as manufacturers of detox products would have us believe, then mankind would have extinct long ago!

Enough Water, exercises & good circulation is all that we need when we do over indulgent. If you really need to........  go on a water or fresh juice fast for a day, that'll do the trick!

Monday 9 July 2012

Duromine update: Duromine Day 17

Lost 2 more kg.Should I stop taking duromine now?

I feel more energized. I used to feel sluggish when I was heavier. Now I could practically run with my heels! 
Feel so alive!

Friday 6 July 2012

Duromine or Panbesy, which is better?: The Duromine & Panbesy Clinic

After 2 weeks, on Duromine I'm lighter & more alive! I was given one month's supply from Doc.

It was between Duromine or Panbesy.
Some friends suggested Duromine, others swear by panbesy .....But if you do a little research, both duromine & panbesy works the same way. 

After the first couple of days, there's no nasty side effects, just the usual suspects: feelings of thirst, breathing became deeper. I'm fine, now I could even sleep normal! I still have some cravings but each time I took just a little, I can stop! 
Great isn't?

Total loss= 5kg!!!
I feel like a Super model will update later.
Bods to die for !!!! I'm sure they are on panbesy or duromine
 OK ladies upon request from so many of you, here's the Duromine/Panbesy clinic address:

Parsons Medical Clinic
@ Yishun ave 2, Blk 779, #01-1541. 
Singapore 760779
Tel; 64846010 : H/P: 8777-0736 & 9746-7720
Tuesday, Wednesday :9am to 12pm
Thursday :3pm to 8pm

Parsons Medical Clinic
Orchard Branch: 
360 Orchard Rd, International Building
# 04-10 , Singapore 238869
Tel : 8777-0736, 9746-7720
Open from:
Monday & Friday : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday & Wed, : 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sun & PH close.


Friday 29 June 2012

Duromine : Day 7

Today is my 7th day on duromine. All the symptoms has kinda subsided . I don't feel them anymore. One thing for sure I still feel very energized & alert. Very good for my job. Usually feel sleepy after lunch. But I don't anymore after taking duromine.

I have lost about 3 kg now. My face has gotten sharper, I look a 100% better in pictures due to that! I called my friend up to thank her for introducing Dr keith to me.

Bump into another friend that's working in next building & she stared at me- hmmm.... I'll take that as a compliment. She quickly ask me how I did it! I told about duromine & panbesy & Dr Keith. And she quickly take out her phone & book an appointment for herself there & then infront of me.

It was hilarious! She told me, she's desperate. She needed to look her best in one month's time as she has a class reunion. Great !!!

Dr Keith Ong's name card :)

Saturday 23 June 2012

Duromine : Day 1 ( I feel very energized !)

If you ask me why can't I just diet like any normal person, well, you must be blessed with skinny thighs, little waist & probably a model like figure. Trust me, for the majority of us, we do need to battle constantly with our weight.

I saw a friend the other day, she has kinda heavy all through school. Now, she looks like a total different person, she's gorgeous . I couldn't help but stared at her. She took her doctor's name card out of her bag & ask me to go see him.
" He's like the Best! , You'll love him after you lose those fats!"

So 2 days ago I went. Dr Keith Ong is younger then I thought. I told him my friend sent me. He said she has sent him many of her friends already.That's great, I don't feel so awkward anymore. Like she said, he's nice.

Can't really remember what happen as I was too excited. I left the clinic with 1 month supply of 30mg duromine. 3- 15mg panbesy to kick start the program.

Any way yesterday I took my first pill. Hmmm... I felt:
1. Dry mouth
2. Heart beats faster
3. Totally energized- very interesting this symptom
4. Can't sleep that well.

Duromine for weight loss