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Saturday 14 July 2012

Duromine Works !!!

How does slimming pills like Duromine works?

It works by suppressing the hunger feeling. Once you consume  less, your body has to acquire the energy from somewhere else. As a  result Duromine helps to burn  fats turning it into energy.
Duromine for weight loss
As it's a prescription slimming drug (meaning it's stronger & more effective than those sold over the counter) , you need to get it from a doctor. I got mine from :

Dr Keith Ong
Parsons Medical Clinic
@ Yishun ave 2, Blk 779, #01-1541.
Singapore 760779
 Tel; 64846010, 8777-0736, 9746-7720
Tuesday, Wednesday: 9am to 12pm
Thursday : 3pm to 8pm

Parsons Medical Clinic
@ 360 Orchard Rd, International Building
# 04-10, Singapore 238869
Tel;  8777-0736,
Open from:
Monday & Friday  : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday & Wed : 3pm to 8pm

Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sun & PH close.

It’s not magic , it still works best & fastest if you could combined it with physical exercises and a healthy diet.


  1. OMG.... I lost 1 kg within 2 days!!!!!

    1. I ask Dr for Panbesy as my friends said it's effective too. Took it for 2 weeks already, lost 4kg! So happy. Love this community. Lets all jia you !

  2. Thanks Eva, I just went to the clinic , doctor is so nice. Got my pills. Hope I can loose as much as you guys. I really need to by end of the month! My bf birthday, want to wear this really cute dress for him! vain huh???

  3. Update!I've lost a total of abt 8.5kg after less than 2 months!!!!!

  4. Hi Eva,

    I must say you have definitely lighten hundreds of women here who readsyour blog. You have given us the opportunity to share this womderful experience of losing weight together. Thumbs up for the wonderful job! Thank you so much for the superb information and the efforts

    1. Hi Anna
      Thank You so much for visiting my blog & especially for the awesome remarks!!!

  5. Hi I managed to visit the clinic at Orchard! Got myself a month's supply!

    Just wanted to ask, why am I supposed to take panbesy for the first 3 days and then move to duromine?

    1. You must be a first timer like me. I was given that too & it works well. If I remember correctly the nurse told me, they give me a lower dosage pill (15mg) to get me started (in case I experience side effects- something like easing me into this new medication.
      After 3 days, the body is used to the medication, then I can move on to a higher dosage (30mg). Less side effects that way. And Panbesy & duromine works the same way.

      Good news, I've lost 6kg since mid April !!!!

    2. Hey Nancy thank for the reply! Congrats on the weight loss! Was there a stark difference from when you switched from Panbesy to Duromine?

    3. It's suppose to be stronger as the dosage is higher. Other than that it's OK- I do not feel a stark difference. However I do feel more thirsty & no urge to eat at all haha....

    4. Hey Nancy since when u started the pills?
      Can I know when u were taking the panbesy for the first 3days, how many kgs u lost? Thanks, ur help will be greatly appreciated :))

    5. Hi Sally, sorry for late reply, I didn't see your post :)
      I cant really remember the exact weight I lose during the first 3 days, as it's a few months back already...haha....
      it's quite a bit, I think almost 1.5kg, if I'm not wrong.

  6. Hi dear, I'm 17 this year! Am I able to get it?

  7. Went there today! Doc really friendly n helpful. Was thinking if doc allow me to hv the med anot! Bt in the end he did. Hehe. Hope able to lose afew kilo!

  8. Does eating the pill affect your menses?

  9. Hi all I lost almost 3.5 kg after abt 10 days. Pls check out my blog :)
    See You !!!! :)

  10. Hi eva, thank you so much for this post. You've been a great encouragement to many of us out here. Anyway, was just wondering if I want to visit the Yishun branch who do I look for? Will Dr Keith be there since you said he moved to the Orchard branch already? Thank you!

    1. Latest update: Dr Keith divides his time between these 2 places. So if you go to Yishun, he'll be there. But take note, the yishun clinic only opens 3 mornings -tue, wed & thursdays

  11. Hi eva! Im 18 this year, will I be able to get them?

  12. I've been taking for 4 days, everytime I take my hand shake for like 5 seconds then stop. Anyone experience that? Strange right. ? Other then that no other complains. Dry mouth I can handle. Just thought the 5 sec hand shaking is weird ...haha... I lost 1.5 kg already :)

    1. Haha.... weird...., for me, my mouth taste funny- that's besides the dryness:) Guess it's our body's reaction to the meds- but 1.5kg awesome !!!!! wish I lose as fast - my 2nd day td : )

    2. Second day, feeling very thirsty, last nite I slept at 11pm, today wake up not tired at all, so weird:) Hope weight will go down fast- fingers crossed!

  13. Hi all, I've been on panbesy for 3 days already, but I'm feeling a bit sleepy in the office after that & I could sleep at night too ! Weird right? I thought people cant sleep with it, now here I am feeling sleepy.... sigh.... how?
    Oh... lucky that didn't stop my weight loss, I lost almost 1 kg already :) just wondering why I feel sleepy that's all. Anyone feel the same?

    1. Me too, I could sleep quite well !!! I think we are those lucky ones :)

  14. I got my pills last week & when my boy friend saw it, he started taking with me as well :( Now he has lost more weight than me :(
    Anyone has any idea why something like this happened? KInda mad with him now !!

    1. Our bodies have different make-up. I think guys do lose weight faster on the whole, they have higher metabolism rate maybe???

  15. Hey! Just wanna share. Gotten my one month supply and cant wait to try.

    Consultation was like only 5mins for me?! Doctor saw me and was like "wah your case very simple! Work best for water retention." lols...

    Anyway good luck everybody!

  16. Hi, my bmi is at acceptable range but i have a big tummy protruding out. Do you think the doctor will give me duromine?

    1. Tummy protruding can get........ Mine the same

  17. Hi I'm 19 & in school, can take? So fat now :(

  18. Hi I've taken this for 2 weeks. Lost about 6kg. Can stop now....yay...
    May I know, where do you guys keep the remaining meds? Must keep it in the fridge?

  19. I think all meds should try to place at a cool place. Fridge is great.

  20. Hello!! Did anyone like tried panbesy/duromine then after quite awhile.. it lost its effect and your weight just remains the same? And dr ong will recommend you to take a vitamin D jab right? did anyone tried that? how was the result? good? thanks

  21. Something like that happen to me. I took panbesy last yr from Dr Keith. Lost 5kg, damn happy.
    This yr, put on so much weight because I kept taking so much dessert. Feel like kicking myself. Anyway I went on panbesy again, but it seems to work slower than before. Maybe I'm too anxious I don't know.
    So I did that Vitamin D thingie. It works.
    Funny thing is, it don't suppress your appetite like panbesy- but after a while, I slim down..haha..... of course I did stop taking dessert EVERYDAY to enhance the progress!

  22. Took the Jab, It's working on me. Suppose to speed up the metabolism -something like that :)

  23. Anyone know does switching from coke to diet coke helps in weight loss? thks

    1. For a person with a predisposition to obesity, for example, who finds a diet coke calms the sweet tooth, diminishes cravings for "sweets", and allows him to maintain a healthy body weight, the benefits probably outweigh the risks. However, if diet soda leads to overeating, then the risks surely outweigh the benefits and you should find a way to cut diet coke or soda out of your diet.

  24. Hi, I would like to know if the doctor is strict for selling Duromine?
    I'm 17 tears old and not overweight but I just gained 6 kgs in this 2 months!

    1. Hi all, I've gain 10kg lately , think doc will give ? tia

    2. I think He will , he's pretty nice :)

  25. hi just to check if anyone took the vit D jab? does it work? How much is the jab?

    1. Hi!
      I read somewhere (from this comment thread I think) that the jab costs $400, and it increases metabolism.

    2. If I'm not wrong it seems people who find it hard to lose weight were usually found to have very low levels of Vit D, thus increasing that, would help in weight loss.

  26. hi, for those who took the jab.. was there any side effects??

    1. Yes I experience 1 side effect- my tummy flattened !!!!
      Strange right? I've been trying to get that for like the longest time.
      I've lost weight but the tummy never changes, until this D-jab !!

  27. Why cant you guys just go out to have some sun to get your levels of Vit D up- naturally from the sun ? Best yet, do some exercise at the same time to increase metabolism as well. All natural & free !

    1. Because we don't want to get Dark. Plus we hate being hot & sweaty !

  28. I think panbesy 30mg is not worked for me T_T I think i get used to it .....maybe I should try higher dosage or other medicine,vit D jab?....TT

    1. Why don't you just check with doctor?

  29. Hello! did anyone get their vit d jab often? is the effect good?

    1. The effect is gradual & pretty good & you don't need to do that often.
      But of course ,pills like panbesy & duromine have faster effect :)

  30. Hi girls, just curious, how much water do you all drink? I drank about 4L of water when i was on panbesy, and dropped to 3L when i was off it. Not sure if its too much, but i feel like im retaining water if i dont drink or drink lesser than that.

    1. Depends on your lifestyle I suppose. If you are active, always on the go & the "jogging-type"........ however, 4L does seems to be on the high side.
      Even the "golden- 8 glasses of water a day" for a normal person has been disputed regularly. So, I guess just drink when you are thirsty , don't "force drink" just because you read that it's good. Let your body be the best judge.
      Remember other foods you consume throughout the day do contain water too.
      For myself: 1 glass of water when I wake up, 1 coffee for breakfast, a drink for lunch, teatime & dinner. In between all these maybe another drink or 2, tops. And I'm fine, my skin is great. Now that I'm on panbesy, I drank slightly more , that's all :)

    2. Drinking too much water in rapid succession is bad. So if you want to drink litres of water, pls space them out, if not, your body & kidneys cant cope !

    3. I don't care what everyone says- to me Visiting the toilet often deters me from drinking more. So inconvenient!
      If I drink 4Ls within a day, I probably have to camp in the toilet for good

  31. I cant take pulse rate went up till 140 i feel like dying..feel like taking vit d jab..pls tell me more about it for those who have taken..

    1. You can actually google the effects of Vit D. It's interesting- The info will tell you , a main reason why people like us find it hard to lose weight is because we have very low Vit D.

      So after the Vit D jab, it helps your body "naturally" process the weight loss thingie. It works on me :)) I find it a good alternative for people who dont or cant take slimming pills :))

  32. Hi megan tks for the reply! May i know how much weight have u lose?for how long?

    1. I did it last year. First week I lost 1kg :))
      Of course I did step up on my exercises (treadmill for 20mins 4 times a week)- before I dont exercise at all.
      Also I did cut down on excess food & snacks. And no more eating after 8pm.
      To date, after about 11months ( I did 2 jabs in all -5 months apart ), I lost about 6.5 kg !

    2. Sigh, definitely can loose weight. But must maintain!!:/

    3. Maintaining is not as difficult.
      Just think of it as forming a new habit.
      If indulging can become or has become a habit , so can eating healthier & exercising :))

  33. If anyone's letting go of panbesy please contact me at

  34. Vit ad jabs - Any side effects & is it better than duromine?

    1. I took a routine blood test & found I'm seriously low on Vt D. Was checking & googling about it, when I stumble on this blog & thought it's interesting.
      2 weeks ago I went to see Dr Keith. Had the jab.
      Feel no side effects.
      The best part was I "actually" did slim down further.
      Dont know if it's better than duromine as I've never tried duromine before.
      FYI, I didnt even do it for slimming in the first place, as I'm not even fat...haha.

  35. Hi Bess thanks for replying? Did Dr Keith advise anything b4 giving U the jab? And how much weight did U loose? Thanks

    1. Hi Brady. According to Dr Keith, surprising many of his patients are low on Vit D. If you check, vit D helps us increase metabolism, so it's almost like a natural fat burner!
      I'm not fat but still I lost 2 kg !!!! Surprising great isnt it???

  36. Hi Bess, does it mean that I need to take a blood test & results need to show I'm low in vit D before I'm allowed to take the jab?

    1. I dont think you need to take a blood test just for the jab. Most of us lack that, that's why it's so hard to lose weight !
      For me, I was actually checking on something else.
      Found that i m lacking in so many Vits !!! horrids ! no wonder so weak :-((

  37. Hi Bess, how much was the vit d jab? Is there a package to sign?

    1. Hi ,this Vit D jab is $400-. As far as I know there's no package. Can see results with one jab :))
      ...oh... sorry for late reply:)

  38. I just took the jab..will update how much i lose in 1mth time huhu-gal

  39. Hi! Went to consult dr keith ong and he introduce me a new type of pills-jardiance as he said can be eaten with duromine for a faster effect.. Has anyone took it too?? Results?? Tia

    1. Yup took it. 3rd day now- lost 1.5kg already.
      Oh... that's taken with duromine as well :)
      Good luck !

    2. Hi Jas, I went to see Dr Keith too on the 10th of Oct and he gave me the same meds as yours. He said my body has water retention. Did he tell you the pills to flush out water and sugar will cause urine infection? I was a bit worried and googled the pills. Its Jardiance and its actually to treat diabetics. So far how is it working for you? I've only been taking the Penbesy regularly and lost about 5 kg so far. I'm still contemplating if should i continue the Jardiance pills. To date how much weight have you lost?

    3. Hi Jas , I took the Jardiance after I took a big tub of ice cream (my craving ) - that should flush out all the sugar
      If I'm not wrong that's the way, to use it.
      If You "accidentally" have taken some sinful desserts etc... the pill will help you deal with the sugar by flushing it out.
      It's very effective:)
      Hope that helps:)

  40. If I want faster results, can I take 2 pills. I'm ok with side effects. tia

    1. Not advisable. It's better to take one as ordered by doctor. Just stop taking all sugar stuff, the weight will drop fast!

  41. Any gst in the Orchard clinic ?

  42. Hi All

    Just to share my experience too here with Dr Keith Ong service.

    I was heavier/overweight after giving birth on Apr 2016. I weigh about 74kg at 1.55m tall.

    After taking Panbesy & Garba Slim for 3 months.. I am now weighing at 60kg. As per Dr Keith Ong, the last few pounds will be the hardest to shed. So he recommended me taking the Vitamin D jab, and I did yesterday! Targeting to be at 55kg (ideal weight) by end of this month.

    Good luck to me!

    1. Congrats !!! May you reach your target soon !

  43. Hi. Can I check whether you eat this pill before breakfast or after breakfast? And how long in between?

    I've just started on Duromine, and I had it right after food, is that alright?

    1. You can take it anytime actually. But it's recommended to take in the morning. Before or after breakfast or food, is ok.

  44. Just curious does panbesy works too? I wanted to try so bad ! ...haha....

    1. Ya it works, that's why it's popular. I lost like 3 kg already as of yesterday.

  45. I got panbesy & garbaslim 2 weeks ago. Lost 2kg after 1 week ,but couldnt sleep so well & I've a project on. So Went back to dr to see if there's anything else.

    He gave me an Ozempic jab. It's great cos' I can sleep now. I'm taking panbesy on alternate days. Working well so far. Just tot I should share it, in case there are others like me....haha...
