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Friday 11 January 2013

Fat women better dont commit any crime..just in case!!!

Male Jurors More Likely to Find Overweight Women Guilty

Researchers at the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity released a study that found male jury members were more likely to be biased against an obese female defendant!!!!!

 The study involved a pool of 471 pretend jurors of varying body types and several defendants being charged in hypothetical check fraud cases. The cases were all identical except when it came to the defendant’s gender and weight; for their defendant, jurors were presented with one of four images:
an obese man, a thin man, an obese woman, or a thin woman.
 After being read a vignette describing the case, jury members were asked to rate the defendant’s guilt on a five-point scale. Male participants were more likely to have a weight and gender bias such that when the defendant was female, male jurors were “significantly more likely” to find her guilty if she was obese than if she was thin.
 There were no differences in perceptions of guilt when the jurors were female or when the male jurors were assessing the guilt of the male defendants; it was only when male jurors were asked to rule on female defendants’ cases that the bias arose.
 In addition, the study’s thinner male participants frequently asserted that the obese female defendant was “aware” of her crime and would be a “repeat offender” —
But why this gender  weight bias?
Perhaps lean men  associate heavier women (but not heavier men) with impaired impulse control, since obviously all female people (but not all male people) want desperately to be thin and are only not so when they can’t regulate their  cravings. Perhaps  lean men imagine that a nebulous fog of guilt surrounds all fat women, because fat — whether or not it is in fact unhealthy — is morally wrong.?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Someone commented  that the issue at hand is socioeconomic — that male jurors are more likely to correlate obese women with lower socioeconomic class and obese men as socioeconomically “neutral”, but I don’t know how that is supposed to be any better. Why are we willing to interpret obesity in a man as either the sign of a bon vivant or a sign of nothing at all, while an obese woman is a symbol of “letting oneself go”? It seems that society is heavily invested in disciplining or punishing fat women, whether it be by shouting “fat bitch” across the street, bullying them in gossip press headlines, undermining their sexuality, or, even dismissing them as criminals.
SO SAD!!!!!


  1. Truth is you dont need any studies, just observe & you'll see bias towards heavy women everywhere!

    So damn unfair if you ask me!!! some even insist they smell bad!!!

    1. When I was in school & fat, the boys are really merciless. They call me names & laugh at my face!
      I'll never forget that.
      That's why I need to lose weight NOW!!!!

  2. The world is unfair!!
    Fat guys ok, fat girls.... they'll give you a bag to cover your face if they can!!!!

    1. hahha.... harsh harsh world!!!!

    2. Damn why is it girls always must maintain? Even my mum tells me to lose a few kgs!!! Can you believe that???? My brother got belly she never said anything!!!!

    3. That's right I dated a rather heavy boy once. I'm like totally ok with his weight. Think of it, if it's the other way around, he wouldnt be so

    4. I bet you are right!!!!

  3. I think it's not only when you are fat. This sort of discrimination runs deep, be it you have a pimple face, not good looking enough, not fair enough, didnt graduate from the right place etc.... that's the world.

  4. I lost 3 kg already!!!!! My thighs looks

  5. Why am I not surprise of this kind of discrimination???? They don't need to waste so much money to do these researches. It's common knowledge- all you need to do is observe. The world is like that!! You want to be treated better, be a slim beautiful girl! You can get away with murder!

    1. Sad but true, I have to agree!

    2. Yes hate to agree but that's my observation also!
