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Friday 30 October 2015

Why we should eat slowly

You'll lose weight just by eating slower. 
Eating slowly can boost levels of hormones that makes you feel a lot fuller. 
That way, you can skip dessert!

If you "gobble'' down a meal, you tend to eat more & also it's pretty stressful & unhealthy.
Eating slowly aids digestion.

Besides all that, you get to taste & appreciate the food :))
Bon appétit ....
Eat slowly :))

Monday 6 April 2015

Surprising weight gain culprits !!!

Food and exercise aren't the whole diet story. A slew of stealthy, often surprising weight gain culprits could be causing the scale to creep upward. Beware!!!!

Artificial sweeteners.
A recent Purdue University study compared two sets of rats: those fed liquid spiked with saccharin, others fed liquid sweetened with natural sugar. When both groups were later given a sugary snack, the rats accustomed to artificial sweeteners ate more. "Our bodies have ways of judging how many calories a food has from how it tastes, and artificial sweeteners may mess up that natural regulating process," says Susan Swithers, PhD, associate professor of psychological sciences at Purdue and one of the study's lead authors.

 The solution: "We're not suggesting you give up your diet soda at this point," Swithers says. But if you consume artificially sweetened products, pay extra attention to the calorie count of everything you eat, especially snacks with real sugar.

Missing meals.
Research shows that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight, and that morning meals seem to help those who've lost weight keep it off. It's not just breakfast, either: Skipping meals of any kind results in a "tremendous bout of compensatory hunger."

 The solution: Eat small meals throughout the day. A steady nutrient intake will keep your blood sugar relatively constant, helping prevent out-of-control binges.

Dining out.
We tend to eat more when we dine out.

The solution: Eating out is fine, as long as you don't use it as a frequent license to indulge. Choose your entrees wisely, and share your meal!!!!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Would you tell a friend they are Fat ?

Have you heard of Steve Miller ? If you have not, he’s the presenter of the English TV show Fat Families. Recently he was slammed for his new project "Warn A Friend They're Fat Day" . He designated the day as the day for Britons to tell a close friend or relative ( who could handle the information) , that they are overweight. It don’t end there, the person would then offer to become an exercise buddy to facilitate weight loss. Miller claims that this could eventually save thousands of lives. The thought is not bad right?  but………

The plus-size community” were pretty pissed! I can understand why, it could be quite embarrassing & humiliating. Rational was: wouldn't someone who’s already fat be aware of it herself? If she/he wants to do something about it, don’t you think she would already have done that? Rivkie Baum, the editor of plus-size fashion magazine 'Slink' was so disgusted with #Warn A Friend They're Fat Day that she and a group of fellow plus-size campaigners launched a counter movement called #Tell A Friend They're Fab.
She said “ If someone does want to lose weight, the only way they will reach their goal, is if they want it. Anyone who wants your help losing weight, they will ask for it - then is your time to step up. But if that doesn't happen, appreciate that their body is their business and use #youarefab to remind each other of the reason you're friends in the first place.''

Steve Miller thought  #youarefab is equally dangerous.  “Because what they are saying is you are OK to be fat and fabulous.  That is completely wrong in my opinion.  You are basically saying to someone, stay fat and you might die early and that is fine. That is wrong.' 

Well I don't think Baum is trying to say all that. Though I am an advocate of weight loss I have to agree with Rivkie Baum in saying: we should respect other people’s choices, if they have not come for help, don’t infringe & butt out of others business especially regarding sensitive issues. How would you feel if people start telling you what you should do, eat or act? Wouldn’t you get annoyed too?