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Wednesday 11 July 2018

Would you get a tattoo ?

We were having coffee at Starbucks when we spotted a girl sitting opposite us with a tattoo like this.
Looks really sweet & nice. We started wondering why none of us have any tattoos before. Perhaps we can't take the pain? Is it really painful? Well why don't at least one of us try it Hmm... we started googling for nice designs at once.

For pet lovers, this would be so cute !!!
Then we came across this:
Wow!!! we agree it'll be perfect for us! So are we going to do it? Within a few seconds we go nay.... lol.... No, we can't take the pain! Can we take pain-killers? Maybe they can numb us?
Hmmm.... we'll see

Sunday 13 May 2018

What you think of match making ? Would you consider it?

A very good friend has been single for so long, it's worrying. She's cute ,soft spoken, hardworking & shy. Ya that's the thing, too shy. When people at work ask her out, she'll give the excuse of "we shouldn't mix work with personal affairs". But since when do anyone follow that rule right? Well she does.

As friends, we try to set her up with people we know. But we always thought the guys we know are not good enough for her. Are we being too protective? Maybe we are.

Then someone suggest she try professional matchmaking. Truth is ,these days the stigma that: "match making is only for the desperate" has long been debunked. Now people have no time for small talk anymore, so match making makes sense. Plus these agencies can actually screen out jerks as they do background checks on all potential suitors. Probably better than us friends. Just look at the frequency of our own 'break-ups' with our ex-boyfriends, show that our judgement on guys are not as good as we had hope for

Well we kinda stage an intervention via whatsapp naturally, & we finally came to a conclusion. Another friend from our group will join her in joining a matchmaking agency. Since this other girl has just gotten out of a 2 yr old relationship & is totally not trusting her own taste in men anyway

What happened next was a shock to us. There were so many match making agencies to choose from. Which only means it's more common than we think. It's probably the trend now. Well that's like 2 months back. And to date, both of them had gone out on about 2 dates each. Will update on their progress once I interrogate them

Thursday 1 March 2018

Is that stupid wink!

Well if you have read my last post, you would know that we recently get to know a guy Brian (friend of another colleague). Since that night out 2 months ago (where he caused me to choked on my drink which was so embarrassing ) , he has been dating a female colleague Nadia. We have not seen him,since then.

So last Sunday, Nadia thought it might be a good idea that we meet up again as a group. Maybe it's an effort to 'publicly' announced their dating status. We do that all the time. When ever we meet someone new, we do introduce them to the group after a while, it's the norm & it's fun. We've not been out with Nadia since she started dating & I kinda miss her, she's fun to be with. So as per normal we meet for drinks, at a new place this time. Apparently a place both of them frequent on their dates. What happened next was totally unexpected. Me & another girl were the first to arrive, Nadia & Brian came last.

As soon as Brian saw me, he immediately wink at me! Oh please .... I know what's that wink for, he's still laughing at me for choking the last time, when he attempt to speak to me. I don't know what came over me, I stick my tongue out at him! For my own defense, I do not usually do things like that, I'm not childish, in fact I'm far from that. But this guy really gets on my nerves. Anyway, we all laughed, remembering what happened the last time. Tension eased!

Monday came, Nadia was all emo, something is wrong. I ask her if everything is ok, she said yes. We were not convinced. Later Sally went lunch with her & she confess, she quarreled with Brian over that wink he gave me ! WOW !!!! She had ask him why did he wink at me.

A normal man would say something like :'' Just want to make fun of her choking the last time, it's funny .... etc, it's nothing ....." NO... he didn't said that. What he said was: "She's very cute. "
Then Nadia fuming go: "what's so cute ?" (seriously I could understand why she's angry, I would have reacted the same way.)
And Brian instead of pacifying her, went " Why do you have to go crazy over nothing? What's with you? It's just a wink, I wink all the time !!!!!"
Nadia : " what ???? you wink at girls all the time??? "
Brian: " I give up! " and with that he left her & went home. Did not text her after.

After lunch Sally told me, I felt so bad. Immediately went to apologize to Nadia, before it gets any worse. She told me, she's cool, it's not my fault. She just can't take his attitude. Well I hope he apologize fast, Nadia is a great gal !!!!
And I don't want anything to happen because of me!

Sunday 21 January 2018

Good news: Bill Gates & Warren Buffet ,are still alive and kicking!

Had drinks with some friends last Friday. George brought along his friend, Brian (an X schoolmate ). The girls in the group went all goo goo gaga over the new guy. Well who wouldn't, he's dashing with a slight British accent which is pretty cute.

Had a good time until he said : Creative men live longer.
I immediately ask him what about women? He said, he don't know. The information is from some study done long ago. And before I could continue questioning him, the girls started giving me looks: "Don't you dare, behave yourself, don't scare him away, we love him!"
So I stopped. Apparently, according to him (or that study) creative men maybe better able to cope with stress & it's harmful effects.
Yeah right .....Right the top of my head I was thinking of Steve Jobs, what happened to him than?

As if he could read my thoughts, he immediately go: "I know you might be wondering about people like Steve Jobs." Wow... so now wonder Boy is psychic as well. Then he go : "with every Steve Jobs, there's a Bill Gates & Warren Buffet ,who are still alive and kicking!"

It went downhill from there. For the rest of the night, I started drinking as I realize, I must have made a bad impression. The night went on without much fuss, then he suddenly turn to me & ask: "Why are you so quiet?" That took me by surprise, I choked on my drink, I'm serious, & that made everyone laughed. Now they are laughing at me, so embarrassing. I need to come back with something witty. No I can't , nothing came to mind. Apparently the brain stopped working when one choke. He went all apologetic & go : " Are you OK?"
Idiot ... of course I'm not! I quickly excuse myself & went to the ladies to compose my self. One of the girls came along 'to make sure I'm ok' .... I almost rolled my eyes at that.
Once in the ladies she kept laughing !!!! Well it's pretty funny, so I laughed along, that kinda ease the embarrassment a little.

By the time I got back, I'm ready to face him again. Guess what, He has left! What ???? He has to get back home, his dog is sick! Huh ????

Tequila....yum !