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Sunday 1 January 2023

Do you have an addictive personality that makes you FAT ?

I noticed I had always had an addictive personality. It's a lucky thing that the first time I tried alcohol, at age 13 (took a sip of my dad's beer during new year's eve reunion dinner), I almost puked. Other wise, I might have picked up a lifelong habit.

Then there's the cheese cake phase at 16. It got so bad, that even in the middle of my O levels exams, I was thinking; "Hmmm.... a piece of cheese cake now, could take the pain of this dumb stupid exam questions away!"

At 18, I was totally into pasta. I swear I could replace rice,porridge & noodles with pasta. Since that, when ever there's a new food in town, I would be tempted to try. Of course there are some misses, like all the different versions of bubble tea- that was totally lost on me. But things like latte, flat white & what nots, I lap it up like a hungry puppy.

Well that explains my weight gain & ultimately my weight loss journey which started off this blog. Yesterday at work, a colleague passed me some chips dipped/coated with salted egg & I knew I was hooked! Today I intend to go to the super market after work to get my own supplies. It's a constant battle. My strategy these days is: when ever I indulge in something new & sinful, I go for an extra yoga class, or walk an extra hour at night. No choice ! 

Worse come to worse I'll pop a "go-to" fat burner, that always work. In case you are curious, that's garbaslim. Very effective

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