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Friday 21 March 2014

Celebrity Weight Gain and Loss For Movie Roles: Renee Zellweger

She gained 30 pounds in 2001 to play the part of Bridget Jones in both Bridget Jones’s Diary and again for the 2004 sequel, yet somehow she was able to take it all back off after filming–twice. Amazing !!!!

Friday 7 March 2014

Imagine anything sweet & sugary being tax extra !!!

Well don't laugh, this could happen - thankfully not here!!!  If the Chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies of UK could have her way, UK will be the first nation to impose a sugar tax on calorie-laden food and fizzy drinks.

Recently she warned that the nation's obesity epidemic crisis is now so severe that today's children will possibly have a lower life expectancy than their parents' generation.  The idea that sugar, rather than fat, causes both obesity and diabetes is gaining support among diet and health experts. Sugar is now called  'the new tobacco', & is being blamed for a range of health problems and early death.
The typical Briton consumes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day and some adults consume as many as 46. I’m serious, that’s what the report said ! I’m rather shocked by these numbers as well. Currently just over a quarter of adults in UK are obese.  But experts say this figure is expected to more than double by 2050.
Dame Sally Davies argued that increasing the prices of certain products, particularly fruit juice and fizzy drinks, could be the only way to change the public's poor diet. She did not specify how much tax would be added to sweet food and drinks, it could be around 20 per cent- suggested by experts.

It was also believed that clothing manufacturers had kinda “normalized obseity by changing their dress sizes so the public would not realise they were getting fatter. A woman who fitted in to size 14 clothes now would actually have been a size 16 in the 1970s.
There is also the fear that today's children could be the first to have lower life expectancies than their parents. The average life expectancy has increased over the generations due to better standards of living and medical advances but obesity threatens to reverse this trend. That is of great concern. Scary Right? Hmmmm......