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Friday 6 July 2012

Duromine or Panbesy, which is better?: The Duromine & Panbesy Clinic

After 2 weeks, on Duromine I'm lighter & more alive! I was given one month's supply from Doc.

It was between Duromine or Panbesy.
Some friends suggested Duromine, others swear by panbesy .....But if you do a little research, both duromine & panbesy works the same way. 

After the first couple of days, there's no nasty side effects, just the usual suspects: feelings of thirst, breathing became deeper. I'm fine, now I could even sleep normal! I still have some cravings but each time I took just a little, I can stop! 
Great isn't?

Total loss= 5kg!!!
I feel like a Super model will update later.
Bods to die for !!!! I'm sure they are on panbesy or duromine
 OK ladies upon request from so many of you, here's the Duromine/Panbesy clinic address:

Parsons Medical Clinic
@ Yishun ave 2, Blk 779, #01-1541. 
Singapore 760779
Tel; 64846010 : H/P: 8777-0736 & 9746-7720
Tuesday, Wednesday :9am to 12pm
Thursday :3pm to 8pm

Parsons Medical Clinic
Orchard Branch: 
360 Orchard Rd, International Building
# 04-10 , Singapore 238869
Tel : 8777-0736, 9746-7720
Open from:
Monday & Friday : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday & Wed, : 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sun & PH close.



  1. Hi, may I ask how did you approach the subject with the doctor? Not sure how to tell the doctor to give me the meds...

    1. Just say you are there for weight loss- that's it!
      Very simple.... everyone does that!!!

    2. hi can i know how much does the panbesy 1 month supply sell usually plus consultation

  2. I just came out from the clinic. He is really friendly. Nothing to worry about. :) thank you eva

  3. i juz came out from the clinic..
    Doc ask me to try Panbesy..
    n told me not to exercise, unless i wanna become the Hulk..
    he's super funny..
    Hope the pills work for me!

  4. Eva, I just wanna know if you did put all the weight back on after you stopped taking duromine? And how long can we take them.....

    1. I'm still slim & nice now:)
      Weight just don't miraculously come back after you But if you start indulging yourself with food again, than of course.

      I think you can take for a few months. But I don't think you need to do it for so long though.It's effective. Anyway just check with doc:). Most of my friends just take for a month at most:)

    2. OMG thanks for replying Eva!! Haha, I've been refreshing to see if you replied me cause I don't have any account to tag a name to! Because online were saying they gain back all the weight once they stopped immediately. And other are telling me I should change from a 30 mg to a 15mg first for another month before stopping. So it's confusing. I tried looking for your mail but I couldn't find any ....

    3. Too many misconceptions about this

      But it's actually quite easy, just remember; if you eat more you gain weight.
      If you don't, how can the weight ever come back???? :)

  5. Doc gave me 3 x 15mg Panbesy to ask me to take for the 1st 3 days, then subsequently take 30mg.
    Today is my 3rd day and i had lost 1kg..

    1. Seriously?????
      That's very effective! wow....
      I'm interested

    2. Madeline, quite impressive right? im a bit shocked too..
      Im took my first dose of 30mg today..
      hope the weight will dip further...
      problem is i usually woke up ard noon time on sat.. so i dunno if i can take the pill at noon time or i should skip..

      So far i have not experienced any side effects (choy!) other than thirsty all the time.

  6. If I need to lose 30kg. Will these pills still work for me??

    1. Of course ....LOL....
      It'll just take slightly longer time & lots of discipline :)

  7. Hi Girls! have been reading this page for quite awhile and i thought i shld share my experience :)

    It has been slightly a month since my first pill of panbesy. Intially i took it for consecutive 7days (didnt felt much weight loss) and end up suffered for insomnia/headaches/fast heartbeat for many nights! I suspect the headaches were due to lack of sleep? So I decided to alternate the pills intake from 2nd week onwards and slowly become one pill in two days. (Read from XX blog that she ate only ate one pill in two days so decided to follow her pattern)

    Amazingly, after reducing the dosage, I could sleep better and no more headaches! Surprisingly I have lost abt 5kg since :D the process of weight loss may be slower than some of you here but nevertheless, I'm super satisfied with the results!

    So girls, dont worry if your results are slower because it really works differently for different people. Of cos, at the end of the day, eating healthier is the way to go abt maintaining and we shld not rely on the medicine for too long. Good luck ! :D


  8. Hello, im going there tommorow, but im quite worried if the doctor gonna nag and chase me off.. Im 19,shud there be any problem?

    1. Hey you don't have to worry, I'm your age, dr keith really nice !

  9. Hi im standing at 157 with 70kg! First time weight gain so much for the first time of my life! I dance,exercise nv eat rice but all seems not to work. Pissed. And the most sad part my fren says my arms getting bigger. I hate dat comments.

    So here i am finding some research and i njoy this forum more than the pill topic! Haha. U all so friendly and funny. Bcoz of u all i decided to try this wonder slimming pills. I got it at parson medical at yishun. Doc say " u dun haf to explain i give it to u". Hehe. He say " see ur stomach ,hmm i guess u need it" yeah i got it!

    Bcoz i work at night i decided to take my first pambesy pill at 7pm..( 3 pills given by doctor) plus 1 box 1 mth supply duromine. Anxious plus scared of the side effects i really actually pray to God b4 consuming! Hahaha.

    Its already 1 hour and im in the mrt waiting wat effects will occur. So far my tounge feel funny. Other than dat im normal.will update u guys soon. Muacks

    1. Tasha, you so funny one, but your friends not so nice leh... May you lose all the excess weight quick & show them!!! HAHAHA....
      You work at night, so does it mean you eat at night too? That could be the reason for weight gain. Remember cut out the sweet stuff too! cheers!!!

  10. Does anyone knows if I just consumed in June. Will it be immuned now and not effective anymore?

    1. No you wont be immuned. It'll still work!

      Just curious, how long were you on it the last time. 1 month? 2 weeks ? Seems many girls do only take for something like 2 weeks to lose just a few kgs.

    2. I took only 15 pills in alternate days so it sum up to 1mth and it's only 6kg lost

    3. Wow... only 15 days & alternate days some more, & you lose 6kg- that's really good!
      I've just started mine today:) Hope results as good as yours!!!

    4. But I gain back 2 kg after my Taiwan trip! Thinking to go down and get supply again! But I have nv been before coz my earlier supply was from my fren. She uses only 6 pills and lost 5kg but she exercise a lot!

    5. That's the trouble with vacations...haha... they mess up your plans!
      Go to see doc asap lor... BUT this time stay in spore after...haha.... good luck!

  11. im gg to orchard outlet today to try!

    left 1 month to squeeze in a super tight bridesmaid clothings! >,<

    1. Haha... you can lose quite a bit within a month, can squeeze into Just make sure you regulate food intake!

  12. I've just gotten mine! But dr Ong gave me Panbesy instead. I didn't ask why this instead of duromine. Anyone tried Panbesy & any side effects on this pill? Is this going to have the same slimming effects with duromine?

    1. I think both are abt the same.
      I tried duromine last time (results ok) , so this time I ask for panbesy just to 'try' the effectiveness & difference . I'm on my 5th day.
      Weight loss is quite
      NOt much difference when side effects is concern. Same, dryness of mouth, no hunger , etc... nothing out of the ordinary :)

  13. Thanks to all the kind souls here that answered my ques and I finally gotten the pills!! As confirmed, Dr Ong is REALLY A FRIENDLY GUY. You won't feel embarrassed or stressed when you're talking to him!! I went at around 11am today and walk-in (please note that if you're first timer the counter will ask you what you are consulting,so be prepared ) So I just replied:weight loss and after about 5 mins~ I was called in! And Dr ong alrd know what Im here for as the counter's lady alrd told him.. So he told me to measure my height & weight myself and after that he explain to me about the pills and like less than 5 mins, I GOTTEN THE PILLS! He asked me whether i want panbesy/duromine.. And i chose duromine though... So after that, the total was $30(consultation fee)+ pills= $94. I was given 3 pills of panbesy+ 30 capsules of duromine~ Hope this really works!!! For those who are interested in getting like me, hope this info helps!! ^^

    [updated as of 16/10/2013]

  14. Replies
    1. This is one of those known side effects, but rather rare. I think besides taking fibre (veg), maybe can drink more water & move around more perhaps. You want to increase the circulation & move the system- that'll help:)

  15. Hi ladies!

    May I ask when dr ong gave us 3 panbesy + 1 month duromine right, when you took panbesy, did it have any effect on you? Because I ate the panbesy and it's day 2 now, but I still don't experience the urge to eat less.. I hope things will get better when i start on the duromine..Did anyone experience the same situation as me?

    1. Hi Kelsey, me the same :D !!!!! the panbesy is of a lower dose , suppose to ease us into this medication ( so as to reduce side effects- nurse told me) But me, same as you...hahhaha.... so After 1 day on panbesy, I go direct to the 30mg duromine. It works, as dosage higher I think.
      I still have hunger feelings (that's how I got into trouble in the first, every minute eating !).
      Anyways even though still feel hungry, this time also easily full- so I end up eating less :D
      I lost 1 kg already.....happy:D
      I also feel I can control myself & my urges better now- that's good news ya???

    2. Hi Tia! Wow 1 kg?? Congrats!! That's fast and great news to hear! Yeah... I was thinking about the low dosage too but luckily im starting on my 30mg duromine since my panbesy finishes.. Hehe hope we can lose as much as possible until we reached our ideal weight :DD

  16. hello~ has anyone successfully shed like 40 kg from the help of this pill? please share your experience if you have any... thanks..... :) :)

    1. I've followed this blog for sometime before I see Dr Keith. I know I've a problem- a BIG problem but never really want to acknowledge it- being FAT is so embarrassing, at least for me . So I really need a doctor that's nice & understanding. Anyway I finally went to see him- he was really patient with me & nice! My mum reminded me to get a blood test, I told doc, & he agree.

      To cut the story short, blood test show I've some "problems", doc treated me with medication including panbesy, plus vit D jab. I was told not to do strenuous exercises like jogging, as that might hurt my knees (I totally agree as I'm sooooo... heavy). I walked for 30 mins everyday instead.

      It's not easy, I suffer side effects like insomnia & general moodiness. But I told myself, cant sleep better..... I've been so lazy & sleeping for too much anyways. I really don't mind not sleeping!! moodiness was the hard one, Lucky I've a supportive mum & friends, they understand. Even my boss knows I'm dealing with my weight & was extra nice to me. So my advice, do tell people you are dealing with your problem. You'll be surprise how accommodating they can be:), but pls dont take advantage of that ....:) On hindsight it wasn't so bad. I found out , people on general are nice:)

      First month I lost 11kg, 2nd month 8kg, now I'm into my 3rd month. I feel so wonderful- All my friends saw my transformation & were so happy for me. I'll never indulge myself with junk again. People tell me I look pretty, that never happen before in my entire life. As I'm typing this I'm actually tearing up.

      So Thank you Dara for asking, processing what's happening to me online is really something else. I've never felt this grateful before :) ....... I assure you, You can do it too!

    2. Hi Beatrice. Thanks for your reply! Really thank you for sharing your experience with us.. Make me feel as if Im not facing this alone. After I finished my 3 panbesy, today is my first day taking duromine. I'm very heavy too, 90kg. Maybe I'm heavier than you >< And Im really worried that this pill won't have any effect on me as Im pinning all my hope on it but reading what happened to you and how this pill have helped you, I'm filled with anticipation and hopeful that I can shed as much as you! I really want to help myself by giving myself a chance to live a 'new' me.

      And Beatrice, may i ask you when you are taking this pill, do you only eat less(and also healthily) + walk for 30 minutes everyday? thanks again!

    3. Hi Dara, first thing I came to office is to check this blog & I'm so happy you saw my post. When I'm taking this pill I definitely eat MUCH lesser & healthier- that's the whole point I guess. Just take note most hawker food is loaded with calories. So choose wisely.
      YES... I walk everyday for 30mins now. Even when there's rain, I take umbrella & just walk (unless it's too heavy:)) I tell myself, if indulging in food can become a habit with me before, so can walking:) These days, if I don't have my walk I’ll feel funny:). That’s so good right?
      This pill will definitely help, but it’s no miracle, it needs to go hand in hand with changes to our usual habits. Dara you definitely can do it! :)

    4. Yes!! Absolutely agree with you! I'm now taking a walk everyday(better than slacking on my couch) and I will exercise when im much lighter(so i won't injure my knees,advised by doctor) Thanks beatrice for your kind words! yes I can do it :)

  17. Can anyone confirm whether duromine works well on people who have to lose like 30+ kgs or people who only lose like 5kg? duromine works well on which type of person?

    1. Duromine is a prescription medication for weight loss period- whether you need to lose 30 kg or 5kg, it'll still work the same way, meaning it'll be effective for both kinds of people.
      Anyway, assuming everything being constant, the person who is heavier will 'seem' to lose more weight naturally, that's because she has more to lose:)

  18. OMG.... I can sleep like normal, does it mean it's not working??? On my 3rd day & lost 1 kg only so far !!!

    1. Goodness.... can you get a hold of yourself pls!!!
      You already lost 1kg within 3 days! That proves it's working right????
      Some girls here are concern when they have insomnia, & rightly so...
      You don't have also want to complain... fainted !!!!

  19. Hi all, started taking my first panbessy today. I really wonder if it will really works. Quite skeptical abt it but still am gonna give it a try and share my experience here with u girls.

    Personally feel much more encouraged aft reading all the comments and replies here. (:

    Just a short qns to aid my weight loss progress and also the rest who need it: how often do you girls exercises (if have) while consuming this pill?

    After losing so much weight for some of you in the first month, do u look flabby or it really will give u the u slim down so much look?

    Thanks all! (:

    1. Light exercises everyday, I dare not jog as that might make me hungry :D
      Still young... LOL..... so no flabs :D (thank GOD !)

  20. I will go to paragon clinic today. Hopefully I will get the pills. I already called and made appointment. *Exciting*

    1. Unfortunately, I did get the pill. The doctor is very nice & kind. He thought my body shape is abnormal and my tummy has more air than fat. So he wrote a referral letter for me to go and check up at poly clinic before he give me the pills. Anyway better safe than sorry. I will go and check up first.

  21. Okay thank you so much Celest!

    I'm so glad I found this blog and the supportive community here made me feel encouraged to finally make the step to get the duromine. I've thought about it before but I never found out where to get them from. I've tried all sorts of ways to lose weight- gymming, slimming centre, pills etc...tried to go on diets but I can't seem to stick to them and that's why I finally decided to take appetite suppressants. My main problem is, even though I'm extremely heavy, I don't look that fat cos I'm very muscular. Dr Ong was even shocked by my weight. He says I've got heavy bones and muscles and I just look like I'm 60kg. But when I was 60kg, friends thought I was just 55-56 kg -.- I think maybe that's why I don't have such strong resolve to lose weight. And a pampering boyfriend really doesn't help :( but <3

    Anyway ladies, like I said I've even been to a slimming centre, my advice is it's not worth your money and the results are minimal. If I hadn't spent money on the slimming packages, I could have bought up to a year of duromine (without consultation haha). Thank you all so much!

    1. Hi Sandy, thanks for sharing... :)
      I'm a gym freak so have build up some muscles & it's making me very heavy too! These days I don't worry too much about what the scales as long as I look trim, I'm happy.
      Confession: I did take half month of duromine to help look trimmer :)

  22. took my first panbesy ard 10am.. kick start in ard 3pm.. i feel very energetic always finding things to do.. dance in my room like a siao charbor..normally after 5min dance n shaking non stop i K.O.. kinda surprise ho energetic iam..but side effects realy kicks in..i CANT FREAKIN SLEEP AT NITE!! even up till 6am!!!! i know why doc tells me to take on alt days.. so im prepared to take @7am e next i can slp better n earlierat night..dont wana screw my body clock.. but happy tho.. stand on my scale..i think i lost 1kg if im not wrong.. hope i can lost at least 8kg!!! fingers cross..

    1. btw..i dance for almost 1h plus.. forgotten to add in.. anyone taking panbesy too?hows e results so far?

    2. So Cute !!!!
      I also feel super energetic. Dash around the office, offering to do errands for everyone! My manager say I should be on this pill permanent Anyway that's like more than 4 weeks ago. Lost 5kg :) not bad :)

  23. Hi,
    I have been on Duromine for 7 days already. And I am suffering serious dry mouth problem. I need to drink every 5 minutes. Did any of you had this kind of experience ? How to ease this ? Please help.

    1. Hi Yuri, I think this is one symptom everyone has. Just drink more than your usual water, but don't have to drink every 5 mins. Bear with it lah, it's not so bad .... :)).

    2. did u shed any weight Yuri?

    3. I drink around 3.5 to 4 Liter of water after I started duromine. I shed 2.5 kg so far. Since I started duromine, I could stay without carbohydrate intake. I only eat vegetable, fruit and fish. No red meat, no rice or noodle at all. And on Day 8 I had this constipation, painful in stomach, hot and my whole body was sweating. I thought I might passed out. The pain went away only after I finished my business. I was scared and started eating rice after that. With more food, less side effects. Now my dry throat is bearable and no stomachache anymore. Thanks everyone for taking your time to reply me. I am so glad that I found this community.

  24. i have taken 30mg almost 3 days, no side effects, still can sleep like a pig but does very thirsty compared to normal. Still waiting for results :) hopefully can shed some fats. Dr ong said my upper part looks ok is just the bottom part like my thigh ya need to lose weigh seems heavy to him. And most impt he ask me whether did i go jogging very often and i looked at him and say yes!. He said jogging try to avoid as whole body weight will be push to the lower part of my body hence will lead to big and fatty thigh so ladies take note, avoid jogging!!!!

    1. That's the thing about jogging, it really works the whole body but it's bad for the thighs (aka thunder thighs) , bad for the knees, & ankles also I suppose!
      I've stopped jogging recently & started yoga instead :)) My knees recovered finally! I was too heavy to jog I think!

    2. Hi Faye! Just wondering, what exercises did you do to lose weight while preventing yr thighs from becoming big and fat? I have the same problem and I only jog hoping to make my thighs slimmer. Do u know of other ways to slim the thighs while having the duromine? Thanks!!

    3. I do yoga now. That's the best.
      As the whole body slim down, so does the thighs.
      No more jogging for me:)

  25. Hi all~~ I just completed my 1 month of duromine(lost 8 kgs BUT YOU REALLY have to eat moderately & DON'T start snacking but sometimes you'll feel the guilt when you accidentally snack a lil..) and I just got another 2 months of duromine 30mg supply from dr ong.... hmm just asking if i finished one month without any major discomfort... then the next two months will be okay right? dr ong say it shouldn't be a prob but im worried... so i wanna ask did anyone eat the pills for like 3 months without suffering any major discomfort? ( i know we cannot take it more than 6 months). thanks in advanced,

    1. It should be ok. I took the pills for 2 &half months. First few days was bad for me, had all the symptoms, but I bear with it, as I really want to lose the weight. By the 5th day, my body seem to start getting used to the pills. Within end of the week, I almost feel normal. That last till the end of the 2& half months - it got easier as it gets along, well at least for me :)
      I'm very careful with what I eat these days- you R right Suzie, no snacking ladies:)

    2. duromine its a dream come true. it keeps you also disciplined in eating when u see the pounds go down and u also feel inclined to be eat less/healthier.

      though there are side effects. i think the end result is worth it. certainly recommend it to those who have tried hard to lose weight, demoralised and not see much visible results? duromine will kickstart weightloss in that 1 month of consumption, so that after that and the weight loss, u will be more determined to maintain/lose weight using the traditional approach of dieting/weight loss. i think duromine has boost my metalbolism also.

  26. Hi ,
    Is better to make an appointment with the dr b4 I visit the clinic right ? Is their clinic near by the mrt station ? I am gaining weight recently hopefully the dr will give me the pills .

    1. Yes make app. It's actually between the Khatib & Yishun mrt.
      Their orchard branch is most convenient at International Building (orchard) beside the Orchard Isetan:))

  27. Hey! Took 1 course over a period of 2months plus. Lost 5kg and weight maintained even 1 month after not taking the pills regularly. I started on 2 Nov. Just last week I had crazy cravings and today when I visited Dr Keith for more pills I gained another almost 2kg!! Doctor recommended Vitamin D jabs and I took it. He says it works very well and very fast. Did any of you take it?

    1. Hi Sandy, my case a bit different from yours. I'm the small minority that do not react so well to these slimming pills.... so sad. Anyway I went back to Dr Keith to check what's wrong with me...haha.... I ended up having this Vitamin D jab too. Now 1 month later, my weight didn't go down all that much.
      BUT my tummy & butt has shaped up quite nicely- which is quite, I very happy of course. Overall, when people see me, they thought I lost weight! Great right :)

    2. Vitamin D? Sounds interesting. Whats the purpose of it basically? Im so curious haha :)

    3. TheWeightWatcher25 January 2014 at 10:30

      Low levels of vitamin D are often observed in people who are overweight. It is thought that the hypothalamus (the very small part of your brain that regulates hormonal functions, amongst other things) senses low vitamin D levels and responds by increasing the body weight set point as well as the release of hunger-stimulating hormones. I guess that's how it works :)

  28. I think my previous comment didn't get through! Anyway I just went to Ang Mo Kio healthway clinic and the doctor didn't prescribe me :( Still have to pay for consultation. I'm 55kg, 1.52m tall, BMI 23.8, not exactly obese but kinda fat. Do u think de Keith Ong at Yishun will prescribe me?

    1. Hi Cindy, I just got mine, think you'll get it :))

  29. 2nd day on panbesy 15 mg, lost 3kg, is this normal? My bmi is 34

  30. Wow that's very fast :))

  31. May I ask if yr weight does bounce back when u stop the pills?Cuz meal replacement works like that.When u stop,all the weight is gained back.

  32. Hi Resvagaz
    First you need to know how these pills works: it helps you to lose weight very fast, helps you to curb your desire to eat those harmful fatty & sweet food while you are on it. It don’t guarantee you’ll stay the same forever, nothing can do that except yourself. So wht happens after you stop the pills is up to you.

    If you can keep off sweet & fatty foods, you’ll be able to stay slim. But if you go back to bad eating habits, you’ll gain weight, it’s that simple- common sense. Gaining weight is the result of bad eating habits, stop that, & you’ll look wonderful- & don’t need these pills anymore.
    I took 1 month of panbesy- lost 6kg. Now 8 mths later, I’m still great. Not saying it’s easy, I’ve got a sweet tooth. It’s all in the will power. I’ve not been eating chocolates for 8 mths….lol…. But it’s sooooo……… worth it!!!!

  33. Hello people! Im thinking of getting the vit D jab(although its crazily ex) but wanna ask did anyone take that too? And is the result really that good??? And also, if i normally visit dr ong @ yishun (without consultation fee) and let say i wanna visit him @ orchard, do I have to start paying consultation fee again? thanks

  34. I did the D Jab 2 weeks ago, I lost abt 1 kg. To me it's good...hehe... Sorry don't know abt the consultation fee thingie. I saw Dr Keith at Orchard. Why don't you just give them a call & check?....cheers

  35. HI,

    My Fiance wanted to get this as well but she is still out of the country. Would it be possible for someone to get/buy if for her? And in addition, does this also works/applies to men around 1.85 in height @ 95kg?


    1. It works for everyone- both guys & girls. It'll definitely will work for your weight. Maybe you can go get it for her as well.

    2. No one is stopping you if you go get the pills for "yourself" & passing it to her " later" :)

  36. anyone who have taken the jab before can advise how it works? and roughly it can lose how many kg within how long? is it cost $400? and any side effects? thanks all!

    1. I had a blood test done a while ago, found that I had really low levels of Vit D, so I decided in taking the jab. My intention was just that- for health purposes.
      Then after a few weeks I found that my " BIG tummy" has for the first time- gone down substantially ! When I next visited Dr I told him that & that's when he told me that's one of the effects of Vit D jab.
      But before you get too happy I don't think it's for weight loss per se. It's side effect is slight weight loss. I know it sounds weird but it's true.

      To me, it's more for health & also for people who cant take the side effects of slimming pills. And I paid $400- hope this helps :)

  37. hey does anybody's heart go really fast to the point that it distracts you? just finished 3 days of panbesy and 1 day of duromine. i was fine on panbesy but duromine completely made my heart rate shoot to 90 bpm (it's usually in the 70s). i'm not sure if it's duromine or the fact that i went for a rather strenuous jog while on duromine. anybody else had the same experience with heart rate?

    1. Ya my heart rate went up, but it only last for like a few mins, then maybe my body got used to it, & I feel normal.
      But of course I didn't go jogging...haha. It's probably your jogging :).

    2. Thanks! I'll probably try it again and lay off the exercise for a while. Need to get slimmer before school starts!

  38. Just got my one month supply from Dr Ong yesterday and starting on my first pill of panbesy today. Hope it works! First thing he said to me was "Ok you're not fat. But you have double chin. Stop drinking soyabean. It causes water retention." LOL

  39. Hi I am 48 yrs old. Any one here of my age tried the above pills?

    1. I'm 40, today is my 5th day, lost 1.5 kg so far, results is quite positive so far! By the way the best part is, I did not even exercise at all.

  40. how much did you get per box of 15mg? pls advise. thank you.. :)

    1. Don't know about 15mg, but its $60- for a box of 30mg. Just got it.

  41. I recently got my 1st batch of duromine from and as mentioned by many, he is a really nice guy! But im surprised that he told me to avoid fruits especially oranges and apples. Shouldn't i be eating more fruits? Is this true or did i hear it wrong??

    1. After the pills ,you will eat a lot lesser than usual, but these fruits you mentioned are acidic in nature- so it might just makes you hungry again-which defeats the whole purpose of taking the pills in the first place.
      Take vegetables instead. You can go back to fruits once you stop your meds.

    2. Aah make sense! Will take note. Thanks for your reply willa! :)

  42. Hi anyone did the vitamine d jab lately? I cant take duromine as my tachycardia was very much have u lost wif the jab? TIA

    1. Took the Vit D jab a week ago, as I'm not "that fat" to begin with- so didnt want to go on the panbesy or duromine pills. Just had a ' protruding tummy'
      Anyway after 1 week, my tummy actually did "shrink''

  43. I got my one month supply today. Hopefully it works!

    So happy to found this blog.

  44. Hi there
    Can anyone tell me the clinic except just cash or can pay by nets.
    I wanna go on this thursday.
    Do i need to make appointment saying wanna see for weight lose?
    Anyone can advise?

    1. Hi jiahui, the clinic do accept nets & even credit cards.
      Yes make appointment for weight loss :)

  45. hi, dr Ong advised me not to eat fruits or drink too much water. and I was wondering why but I forgot to ask him. did he say that to any of you too? :O

    1. Fruits are sweet ( that pretty much is self explanatory, sweets makes you gain weight! ) . Worst most fruits are acidic. We are already eating lesser with the meds, so acidic foods certainly not advisable- they make you hungry ! Then you need to eat more...etc ....etc...
      Regarding the water part, I guess, he probably mean we should not "over-drink". For myself, I suffer from water retention easily (look bloated after that !) , so that advice makes sense to me. If you dont suffer from that, I guess it should be ok.

    2. thanks babe, really helped a lot!!! :-)

  46. sigh tried duromine for quite awhile, lost 14+kgs but still a lil far from my goal and what makes it worse is that my weight hit a plateau and it wont go any lower eventhough i continue with the pills.. Any tips ladies? :( Maybe I will be making a visit to Dr soon :(

    1. Losing 14kg is quite alot already. Maybe your body is adjusting. Meanwhile just keep to a very strict diet of less sugar, less carbo & exercises. That never fails.

    2. Can try their Vit D jab. It helps increase your body metabolism I think.

  47. So excited. I am 50 and took my first Panbesy today. For someone who eats every other hour, my food intake today is unbelievable. 8 roasted chestnuts, 4 ladies fingers and 1 1/2 glasses of "avocado n unsweetened soya milk" blend. Didn't feel hungry at all and had to remind myself to eat something just in case I come down with gastritis. Can't wait to weigh myself tomorrow.

  48. Hi, wonder any ladies experienced these ..... I am on duromine for the 8th days now. I've lost 2kg for the 1st 6th days but yesterday I GAIN back 0.5kg and today GAIN back 0.3kg.
    These 8 days, my food intake remained the same, just wonder why my weight gains back instead of reduce.... arghhh
    Please help !!! Needs advice desperately ...

    Sorry, I published on both posts, hopefully more readers can help with my doubts.

    1. This kind of fluctuation is normal.
      Happens to me too. My first month, the weight ding dong abit also ...haha...But by the end of the month there should be an absolute weight loss.
      I'm into my second month now, there's already significant weight loss.
      So my advice: Dont worry :))
      Hope that helps.

    2. Hi BlueIvy, appreciate your time in replying me. I have someone advice me to weigh once a month instead of on daily basis too, your advice definitely helps.
      i started 3 weeks ago, took 2 weeks and stop a week during my Bangkok trip which is a disaster, my weight shoot up dramatically . Going to start all over again from today. I think I wont have that good results as you ladies due to my age, I am 43.
      I actually just want to reduce 5kg but it seems tough as compare to my younger days when I am on duromine.....sob sob

    3. No matter what age, you still can reduce successfully if you are discipline. E.g you should have started only after your trip, instead of taking it for 2 weeks-break for makan on trip- & start again.
      It's not really that tough.
      But Must do it constantly lor... cannot just stop (& indulge ) & still expect to reduce. It just dont work that way.

    4. Fully agree and understand Kim but i just wanna look slimmer before the trip. Will discipline from now on lol,
      Thanks for the advice, glad to know that age doesn't matter

  49. Hi I took the panbesy & Garbaslim fat burner. I've lost 4 kg after 3 week. I'm wondering after I finish my 1 month of panbesy can I still continue with the Garbaslim without the panbesy? My friends say can, as it's only a fat burner( a supplement )& it'll help burn fats as we might eat more after the panbesy is over.
    Anyone doing that? tia if anyone can reply

    1. Hi Kenza, yes you can take the fat burner on it's own. I do that these days, when ever I "indulge"
      And congrats on your weight loss !

  50. i took my first 30mg of panbesy today at 9am, but now at 12pm, im feeling really hungry, my stomach growls. is it normal or it is not having effects on me? or the effect actually comes later part. i have no side effects too. D:

    1. I think different people will react differently to it. For me, I also still feel the urge to eat, so I eat-BUT lesser than usual. Also after eating just a bit I do feel full quickly. So I know it's working.
      So just eat when you feel hungry, but limit intake.

    2. Ic! thanks. i suppose i need to observe a few days before making judgement. i'm also wondering is it because yesterday i pop the pill after i had my breakfast, which it was suppose to be taken on empty stomach, before breakfast.

  51. Hi Eva thanks for this blog.
    Went to DR Keith last week. Got my hands on everything, as I'm that desperate to lose the weight! I've lost 2kg so far!
    It works !!!!
    Cant wait to lose more:))

    1. Hi Alyona, care to elaborate what's 'everything'? I'm new to this & very desperate to lose weight & don't want to leave out anything, that could possibly help me to lose all the fats! Hope you see tis, my appointment with DR Ong is tm morning.thanks

  52. I've eaten Panbesy 30mg for 5 days now but have not lost any weight yet, is this normal? Anyone face simillar situation coz im confuse if the pills are actually not working for me or just that i should wait a lil bit more for results.. TIA!

    1. It's a little strange becos' the pills works for most people.
      Possibly a few things could be happening for your case.
      1.Are you eating lesser & avoiding the usual fattening foods(e.g. sweet fruits)? If you are there should be weight loss. If not then you should start eating right. Or
      2.Your metabolism is too sluggish, due to lack of Vit D.
      Hope that helps.

  53. Hi Eva & guests,
    I have few questions wic i need answers urgently. Kindly enlighten me...

    Do i need to consume GarbaSlim to speed up my weight loss apart frm taking panbesy/duromine? Or w/o d fat burner is just fine? I have a big tummy.

    Between Panbesy and Duromine, wic one has lesser heart palpitations? Or lesser side effects? Im already an anxious person as it is. :(

    Can i take d pills in evening time if im working at night, as i do not want to disrupt my sleep in d morn?

    Can i take coffee once or twice a day if im on this pills? Since it contains caffeine.

    Any replies are highly appreciated! Thanks in advance... :)

    1. Hi Nat
      -without fat burner is fine. But it does help. For me it helps me poo better.

      -Regarding side effects like heart palpitations, usually it will subside after a while as body get used to meds. In fact on my third day, it stopped. The first & second day, it feels like after a jog, the heart beats faster & just for a while. So you shouldn't worry all that much. If (touch wood) it's bad, you can always take during alternate days to lessen the side effects. If I'm not wrong these 2 meds are about the same in terms of side effects.

      -yes can take in the evening if you are working at night. My friend did.

      -yes can take coffee. Only things you should lay off are those sweet things & junk food.

  54. Hi just want to double check, if I just go back for the fat burner garbaslim, I dont need to go see dr anymore right? Can just buy from counter right?Thanks

    1. Yes, buying the garbaslim only, do not need consultation.

  55. can teenagers around 15 yrs old go to the clinic for the pill? i just really want to lose weight

    1. You might be able to take their fat burner Garbaslim, as it's a supplement, but it's quite effective.

  56. Hello. Have anyone slimmed down just from taking garba slim? Also any side effects?

    1. Garbaslim takes care of my constipation as well. So it's a thumbs up for me :)
      It do not suppress your appetite, you'll feel normal.
      You get to slim down gradually ,but if you control your diet, it's best !

  57. My friend told me can lose quite a bit, like 2-3 kg within a week, so good? Anyone experience that? I can't wait to do it. I'm feeling so bloated right now, thinking of making an appointment after reading all the comments, so excited :)

    1. It's absolutely possible.
      However must change some bad habits.
      For me, I stop eating after 8pm. Stop all 3 in 1 coffee. I drink it black or with some milk now. No more ice cream or desserts.
      I don't even need to do extra exercises!

  58. Hello all! I'm mid-30s, 75kg with 155cm height. BMI very high... 31.2 which is very high risk. I did took slimming pills before when I was younger days and the effect is very good and fast (just need to get used to the side effects). However, I dunno isit due to age and low metabolism, the effect wasn't as fast now. *sad*

    I will need to see Dr Keith after my holiday to TW... because no point seeing him now and fatten myself again after my trip.

    1. Great idea. Thinking of doing that myself. Just came back from New Zealand spent 10 days there. Will Visit Dr,tomorrow.

      For me, as I grow older (35 this yr), work load increases & I think I just got used to not moving around as much. Maybe that's why my metabolism seems to have dropped:(
      Anyway can't wait to start on my weight loss program.

  59. Hi, I just wanted to know if its ok to take panadol when im on panbesy for my headache? I read somewhere that its ok to take it.. but i thought i should check if anyone has similar experiences cuz my headache is overbearing :(

    1. Yes you can take.
      Btw, your headache might be caused by not enough food. It happened to me. After I take some food, the headache stopped. Sometimes we over-do & take very little food after panbesy. Remember whar Dr said? Remember to eat!!!
      Hope you feel better:))

  60. Hello Girls! May I ask if it's ok to take Panbesy early in the morning at 5am then go back to bed and wake up at 730am to have the garbaslim? will sleeping right after consuming the Panbesy affect its efficacy?

    1. You can do that, I dont think sleeping right after taking will affect it in any way.
      BTW, if you can sleep after panbesy, it's already very good already:))

  61. Hi! Just went to visit Dr ong.. He prescribed me 45 mg Panbesy cos 30mg no longer have any effect on me + jardiance + garbaslim. Anyone tried jardiance? Was it effective? TIA :)

    1. Yup it's effective. Whenever I indulge in plenty of sinful sweet desserts etc, I'll take that these days. Helps to get rid of the sugar.

  62. Hi anybody is keen to get duromine 30mg left 16 capsule at $50... I can’t take the side effect.

  63. Hi I just finish a month of meds. Results is good. I feel like doing one more month to get to a more ideal weight. Would month 2 be as effective as month one?

    1. It should be. However it still depends on your expectations, your diet etc ....
      Good Luck.

  64. hi. today is my first day of taking panbesy (30mg). I'm not experiencing any side effects, no suppression of appetite and I don't get full even after a few mouths of food. I heard that the pill makes you hyper and energetic but I am currently feeling more lethargic than normal and about to fall asleep. Is this normal? Did anyone else experience this on their first day?

    1. 2 weeks ago me & a friend started on panbesy together. My reaction is the norm,dry mouth, hype (as in I can literally go on doing stuff & dont feel tired) & not hungry.

      My friend on the other hand is pretty much like yours. Which is very different from mine. But after a few days, these symptoms subsided. She has lost more than 2 kg now. I've not weigh myself but everything seems slightly smaller ....haha....

  65. Hi Is clinic open during lockdown ? I've gotten so fat, lately staying home eating all the junk food & watching TV :((

    1. It's open, my friend just check.
      Tel: 8777-0736, 97467720

  66. Anyone has leftover pills to sell?

    1. Just call the clinic. Maybe they can courier during this time ...haha...

  67. I just lost 10 kg, just need to tell the world

    1. Congrats !!! I hope to lose much as well. Fingers crossed !

  68. Hi there, I have been on duromine for 1.5 weeks. Ever since taking it I cannot sleep even at night or for afternoon naps, I take it early in the morning around 7am. Even taking duromine on alternate days, or taking a break from duromine did not help, those days off duromine also cannot fall asleep. Will take 3-4h to fall asleep and body wakes up automatically after another 3-4h of restless sleep. I’m going crazy because I’m so tired but I can’t even fall asleep despite been so groggy and sleepy! Worse thing is I’ve only lost half a kg in nearly 2 weeks… I followed all instructions given by Dr Ong. Anyone else had this experience while on duromine too and how did you resolve it?

    1. I couldnt asleep well for 2 days. But the meds give me an overdrive, so I dont feel tired. After the third day the symptoms got much better.
      I lost a total of 5kg after 2 months. Not bad, everyone said I look different !

    2. I take it alternate days, problem solved !
      To date I've lost 3kg! Still more to go but very happy already ...haha...

  69. Going today, wish me luck! Need to lose the weight! Tired of looking & feeling so FAT !

  70. Hi,
    I've extra bottle Panbesy that I would like to let go as I've reached my target weight and had stopped taking the pills. I bought extra bottles because I don't want to be charged with consultation fees and the trouble of visiting the clinic too many times. I purchased the pills on 09/06/23, it's expiration date is stated as 06/2024. If anyone is interested to buy pls contact me

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I took panbesy last year & had good results. Lately have gain weight due to so much eating while on vacation. Went back to doc & this time I tried duromine instead. Just want to say it's just as effective, in case anyone is wondering
